Monday, December 6, 2010
Case for the Creator Quiz
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Here is our questions and Bible reading to consider this week. Please email me your responses at
Blessings on you! I am praying for your week!
(You and a partner are working on a project at school. Your partner approaches you two days before the project is due and shows you that he has completed it on his own. The guidelines were that the two of you work on the project equally. He tells you not to worry about it and to just go along because, "no one will ever know.")
A parallel story occurs in Genesis 39. Joseph and Potiphar’s wife aren’t working on a project together, but the Egyptian ruler’s wife does approach Joseph and ask him to forsake his responsibility and sleep with her. The reality is that no one probably would’ve found out. Joseph demands her to leave him alone and insists on being faithful to what his boss has asked him to do.
Read Genesis 39: 1-10
Discussion Questions:
1. How is this different or similar to our scenario?
2. How can something be right or wrong, even when no one seems to get hurt either way?
3. It has been said that the true character of a person is shown when no one is looking. Do you agree?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Chapel 11-2
We talked today about how many times the Bible talks about truth (over 200). We talked last week about how Jesus claimed to be truth (see Jn. 14:6). But did you know that of the 200 mentions of truth in Scripture, over 70 instances are from the mouth of Jesus in the Gospels. Over 30 are in Matthew alone. Let’s look a few up:
Read Matthew 5:18, 26, 17:20, 21:21
Discussion Questions
1) What other sources of right and wrong could someone be influenced by?
2) Which ones are most common today?
3) How much do you think Jesus influences your life compared to these other influencers?
4) How often do you simply do what is right “in your own eyes”?
In Judges, Israel would find themselves in trouble having lived their own way. When this happened they cried out to God and, without fail, God saved them.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
In this passage Pilate and Jesus are interacting concerning who Jesus claimed to be. Pilate is struggling with the answer to that question. In 18:37, Jesus says that anyone who “is of the truth hears my voice.”
Discussion Questions
1. What do you think it means to be “of the truth?”
2. If you examined our society, would you say that our country is “of the truth” or not?
Pilate responds to Jesus by asking, “What is truth?”
3. What is truth?
4. Is truth something that is different for different people or is it the same for everyone?
5. How do you decide what is true in your life?