New Week, let's recommit to our spiritual training in truth! May God speak clearly to you this week as we renew ourselves in His presence! See you each night 10-10:30 or earlier if necessary.
Tonight, I continued in Romans 3. Paul starts out talking about how everyone is evil. He is pointing out how no one can escape sin. Some people thought that they should sin, because when they sin, it show's God's righteousness and so God could help them. Paul answers to that with: "their condemnation is deserved". He continues to say that no one is righteous. Everyone has sinned in some way. He then says that the Law isn't the thing that is judging us; God is. The Law simply shows us our sins. He continues with talking about how Jesus was sent to be our atonement, because God's justice couldn't tolerate us. So how does all of this apply? You may be thinking, "Oh, I already know that I'm a sinner and I need God's forgiveness." The point is, we're all sinners. And we need God. We NEED him more than anything else, because without Him, our sin destroys us. And we need to honestly come to Him and ask Him for forgiveness. I mean, we don't go to others and say, "Will you forgive me of my sins? Thanks." We need to realize how messed up our lives are without Jesus, and then confess to Him and earnestly ask Him for forgiveness. And love Him and follow Him when He does.
God was speaking to me that we were made to shine and we can not without Christ!!!!! we must stand for him and to not be ashamed to share his word no matter what situation you are in because God will give you the strength and the courage to shine and stand firm on his word!!!
today in my devotions i read Matthew chapter 5. in the beatitudes it says those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. we won't be filled unless we hunger and thirst. it also talks about if someone lights a lamp they don't put it under a bowl they let it light up the room. in the same way we need to let our lights shine. it also talks about if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out or if your right hand causes you to sin cut it off. we cannot let satan stop us. if he tries to talk you into thinking that God doesn't like you because you sinned,don't listen. there's nothing that you could do make God stop loving you because there was nothing you did to make Him start loving you! if you fall down GET BACK UP! anything that you struggle with God can and will help you through it if you would just let Him. God was talking to me about "breaking up with ourselves" so often we will be so worried that we have the right friends.the coolest things and clothes, we say the right things so people ill like us, we do the right things so people will like us; but we need to realize that the coolest stuff and friends won't save us from hell!we need to just let go and let God!!! - marielle
Tonight I read Romans 1-2. What I really got out of it was verses 16-18 in chapter 1. Paul was talking about how he isn't ashamed of the Gospel of Christ because it is the power of God that brings Salvation to everyone who believes. God loves us so much and does all these things for us but for some reason we as humans seem to always resist. I know that sometimes God will as plain as can be telling me not to do something and I know it is a bad choice yet i still do it anyways. Paul Washer said in one of his sermons that when God commands the stars to move they move, or the ocean to only go so far it goes to the point, but He ask us a request and we say no...Who are we to say no! To a God so much more incredibly greater than us. He has the power to do whatever He wants with us but because He loves us so much he still shows us grace and mercy. We need to give God the glory He deserves...I know that I for sure do.
Today I continued my studies with Romans 4. In this chapter, Paul continues his former speech. He starts out by bringing up Abraham. See, Paul needs to explain to the Romans that we cannot gain anything by works alone. Everything that we do for Christ must be based on our faith in Him. As an example, Paul brings up Abraham. He says that Abraham was credited because of his faith, not because of his works. He continues to say that we, too, can be given righteousness. But it has to come by faith, not by doing things. That doesn't mean that we can only have faith, and not do anything (see James). As his next example, he brings out David. David had committed adultery, killed a man, and lied about it. And yet he says that God still blessed him and forgave him, and he is blessed because he is forgiven. And this forgiveness came from faith. Paul continues with circumcision. Again? Yes, again. Paul continually brings up circumcision because back then, if you were circumcised, that meant you were a Jew and you followed God. And if you weren't circumcised, you weren't a Jew, and you weren't a good person. Anyways, Paul says that it doesn't matter if you're circumcised or uncircumcised; anyone can be saved. Even the sick, filthy, uncircumcised people back then could be saved by God through faith alone. So here, Paul has given three good examples: someone who had amazing faith and obedience, someone who sinned and asked for forgiveness, and someone who was a complete reject in those days. Paul is basically saying that God is open to everyone. And for us, that means that we can't reject anyone either. Paul again brings up Abraham because he was such a prominent figure back then. He says that Abraham wasn't circumcised when he had done those things and been credited righteousness. It says that Abraham didn't do those things because the Law told him to, but because he had faith. He then says that faith is open to all. Basically, here's the summary: Salvation does not come by works. Anyone is open to salvation. Salvation comes by faith. If you have faith, you will be blessed. Well you may be wondering, "Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" For the same reason Paul didn't just say that. I think most people miss the point here. I don't know about you, but when I hear I need to have faith, I think, "Faith: I believe in God and He sent his Son to die on the cross. Check." as if faith meant simply believing. But the reason Paul (and I) is making this so long is because faith is one of the most important, if not the most important, things you need to have! Without faith, you would go nowhere. Faith can move an entire mountain. Even the smallest amount of faith can. But what does that mean? Where's the application? It's like the "trust fall" thing. There are several similarities here: first, we need to make sure someone is there to catch us. Someone that won't drop us: God. And He promises to if we ask Him to. Second, we need to fight against gravity, or Satan. Satan is constantly trying to pull us down, because when we fall, we hit hard, and we don't want to trust anyone for a while. Third, and most importantly: we have to fall. There's no point in doing this whole "Christian" thing if you're not going to fall into God's arms. That means letting go of everything and letting God take control. Letting God carry us through. Letting God protect us from gravity. It doesn't matter if you don't trust because someone else let you fall, or you're happy with where you are now, or you're independent and can stand on your own. If you're not willing to fall into God's arms, you might as well walk away.
Tonight i read Ephesians 6 and the book Philippians. In Ephesians the thing that stood out to me was the battle that we have not only physically but also spiritually, and that we need to put on the armor of God. In Philippians what stood out to me was that even when Paul was in jail he thanked God because it advanced the kingdom. And also in chapter 2:24-26, this scripture talks about shining like stars in the heavens in a crooked and depraved generation. Mrs. Anette had given this verse to us at retreat and it was just a reminder of what happened at retreat. And one more thing for all that read this post can you please pray for kyle Chattin as he fights for our country. Thanks!
I read the book of Nahum for the first time, the writing is a bit morbid but it really helps bring across its points. It tells of the destruction of Nineveh, an extension to the book of Jonah if you may. In Jonah, the sinful people of Nineveh repented and saved themselves from the wrath of God. But years later they became even worse than before, forgetting how God had forgiven them and slipping back into their evil ways. Their sin resulted in their utter destruction. I fear that I have become like Nineveh in a way. I have repented for my sinful deeds then fallen back into them, more than once. Now I completely commit to do all that God has commanded of me.
reading in Matthew 18. The disciples asked Jesus why they couldn't perform healing and Jesus scolded them telling them because they have little faith. It made me realize how many times i ask God "why...?" but never wait for the response. It's because i need to have more faith in every situation and instead of asking God "why..?" at the end of everyday i want to be able to say "thank you" -Lauren
Tonight i read in proverbs when it talks about even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me. That was just a reinsurance of comfort that God has for us he believe in him.
When I was at uthe tonigt, and during worship i have my hands lifted and its as if I see a bible scripture and it was Luke 8:9-15, in this passage it talks about "whoever has ears to hear, let them hear", this totally refured to me I do have ears and I here but i need to start listening to the right voices around me and I need to start listening to the voice of truth and not be afraid of what might happen I need to be more open with God and i love him with all my heart. Another part of this passage was "though seeing, they may not see; though hearing they may not understand", this also refured to my life, like the bible says the seed is the word of God and those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so they may not believe and be saved. This was like a serious passage for me ms. angie i totally need more focused on God i need to see and i need to hear because if i dont here or see it will be very hard for me as a christian. And once again praise God !!
Tonight I read Matthew 3-4 and what really caught me was one of the lines Jesus said to Satan when he was trying to tempt him in the desert. Jesus had fasted for forty days and forty nights and Satan said if he really were the Son of God that he would turn the stones into bread. Jesus said man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. It just really made me realize that God is our lives. God is what we truly need to keep living. Without God all we are doing is leading ourselves into a eternity with pain and suffering. With God we are leading our lives into eternity in peace and joy and love. I also took notice of the verse where Jesus saw Simon Peter and his brother Andrew and told them that if they followed him they would become fishers of men. As followers of Christ are jobs are to go out and share the Gospel to other people and show them how much God truly cares for them and loves them.
Done. Read Romans 6 tonight. Its says that we are no longer slaves to sin, but have become slaves to righteousness. Because we are one with Christ and we have died with Him, we are also tied to His resurrection. We belong to Jesus and we are now free and have been given the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23). We can now ask Jesus to help us with our pains and struggles because He has overcome the world and all its problems. As Arden said, we have somebody we can trust to rely on to catch us when we fall.
So tonight I didn't continue reading in Romans. I prayed. And talked with some of my classmates. Tonight, at Bible study, the guys and the girls split up. The guys went up stairs. I was sitting there, trying to pay attention to Mr. Moore, when I realized, the majority of people weren't even paying attention. They were either talking or making some obnoxious noise. And then I thought, "How much do you have to not care about God to not only ignore his teachings, but also to try to disrupt it?" Not to say as if I haven't done so. I'm as guilty as the rest of us. But then it just kept going from there: "How much do you have to hate someone for them to want to kill themselves? How ignorant do we have to be to not see the pain in the world? Or are we just too lazy or not afraid to do anything about it? How much do we have to hate God to not do what He says?" Of course, it just kept going from there. So I asked some people. I asked why we don't give ourselves completely to God. The most common response I found was that there was usually something keeping them back from God, a lot of the time something that "God did". I've also had people asking me why they can't hear God's voice. And the answer is: I don't know. To both questions. The only answer I can give is to go to God, but that's a problem because going to God is the problem. After praying and thinking about it, I finally came across an answer: we have taken God out of Christianity. "What? That's crazy! That could never happen!" Well it has. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but to me it seems like all of us are just doing all of the things like Christians need to do. But we're not doing it for God. We're not going to God, we're not letting Him direct us, He's not even in our religion anymore. All we seem to be able to do is blame Him for problems that he doesn't fix. But I honestly believe we could figure this out. I believe God has called me and you to find the answer, but I can't really help you if no one even wants to know. So, we are going to solve this. We are going to find out how to become real Christians. But first, I need an answer from every one of you: Why do we hate God? The reason I say this is because the Bible says that if we love God we will obey his commands, so the opposite must be true: if we don't obey God then we don't love Him. So I need an answer from you: Why do we hate God? Why don't we follow his commands?
In answer to Arden's question: Why do we hate God?... Well, I personally hate God because when i am in pain and crying out for Him it feels as if he doesn't answer as if he has sorta abandoned me... Anyways , that's just me personally.
I continued with Romans 5 tonight. Yet again, this chapter is a sequel to the last. The last book told about how we need to have faith, and why it was so important. This book continues its importance. It says that if we have faith, then that will lead us to peace. We have peace because we know that no matter what happens, we have been justified by our faith and will be rewarded. That is, if you have real faith. After that, it says that we rejoice in our sufferings, because we have peace, which comes from faith. The peace causes us to look at our sufferings as if they were nothing, because we know that in the end we will be saved. It continues with saying that sufferings lead to perseverance, because we learn from our sufferings and our faith becomes stronger. Perseverance leads to character, and character leads to hope. And I think hope is what we all need; or at least, what we all want. Hope is what gets us up in the morning, keeps us going through the day, and doesn't let us down. If we all had hope, then we'd be good. But we, well at least I, think that we need to have hope first. Then, once the hope comes, we can do all of the other stuff. But the Bible clearly states: first we must have faith, then peace, then joy, then perseverance, then character, and then hope. We've been doing it backwards. We need to go through all of the other stuff first, then we will have the hope. And hope will keep us going when it gets tough. Hope is what will complete our faith. The rest of the chapter continues with talking about how Christ saved us. It says that Adam brought sin into this world, and Christ is able to save us from it. He is the only one who can save us from it. Anyways, I think the main point here is that we need to work towards that hope. Because hope is what will keep us going towards Christ. In response to my question, I thank Taryn for answering it. But I need more than one person. So again, I ask you, Why do you hate God? Why don't you obey his commands?
done... read in psalms... having a tonna problems spiritualy-wise... been praying a lot. Psalms 4:1-- Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer. may not make much sense all by itself, but it meant so much when i opened up to it today. its pretty much the summary of what im going through. i am so thankful for this time to spend with God
Ok so I haven't done my devotions yet but I know I have to answer arden's question. The reason I hate God is because when I am in pain and in that state of mind I start to say to myself that if God cared he would take the pain away. I know it's not true but it seems that is one of the excusses I give to myself. -Ashley
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ReplyDeleteTonight I felt like i just had a casual conversation with God :) signing in -Lauren
ReplyDeleteTonight, I continued in Romans 3. Paul starts out talking about how everyone is evil. He is pointing out how no one can escape sin. Some people thought that they should sin, because when they sin, it show's God's righteousness and so God could help them. Paul answers to that with: "their condemnation is deserved". He continues to say that no one is righteous. Everyone has sinned in some way. He then says that the Law isn't the thing that is judging us; God is. The Law simply shows us our sins. He continues with talking about how Jesus was sent to be our atonement, because God's justice couldn't tolerate us. So how does all of this apply? You may be thinking, "Oh, I already know that I'm a sinner and I need God's forgiveness." The point is, we're all sinners. And we need God. We NEED him more than anything else, because without Him, our sin destroys us. And we need to honestly come to Him and ask Him for forgiveness. I mean, we don't go to others and say, "Will you forgive me of my sins? Thanks." We need to realize how messed up our lives are without Jesus, and then confess to Him and earnestly ask Him for forgiveness. And love Him and follow Him when He does.
ReplyDeleteGod was speaking to me about telling others of Him.
Reading the beatitudes and realizing how often I am having a wrong attitude
ReplyDeleteGod was speaking to me that we were made to shine and we can not without Christ!!!!! we must stand for him and to not be ashamed to share his word no matter what situation you are in because God will give you the strength and the courage to shine and stand firm on his word!!!
ReplyDelete- MARISSA
today in my devotions i read Matthew chapter 5. in the beatitudes it says those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. we won't be filled unless we hunger and thirst. it also talks about if someone lights a lamp they don't put it under a bowl they let it light up the room. in the same way we need to let our lights shine. it also talks about if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out or if your right hand causes you to sin cut it off. we cannot let satan stop us. if he tries to talk you into thinking that God doesn't like you because you sinned,don't listen. there's nothing that you could do make God stop loving you because there was nothing you did to make Him start loving you! if you fall down GET BACK UP! anything that you struggle with God can and will help you through it if you would just let Him. God was talking to me about "breaking up with ourselves" so often we will be so worried that we have the right friends.the coolest things and clothes, we say the right things so people ill like us, we do the right things so people will like us; but we need to realize that the coolest stuff and friends won't save us from hell!we need to just let go and let God!!!
ReplyDelete- marielle
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTonight I read Romans 1-2. What I really got out of it was verses 16-18 in chapter 1. Paul was talking about how he isn't ashamed of the Gospel of Christ because it is the power of God that brings Salvation to everyone who believes. God loves us so much and does all these things for us but for some reason we as humans seem to always resist. I know that sometimes God will as plain as can be telling me not to do something and I know it is a bad choice yet i still do it anyways. Paul Washer said in one of his sermons that when God commands the stars to move they move, or the ocean to only go so far it goes to the point, but He ask us a request and we say no...Who are we to say no! To a God so much more incredibly greater than us. He has the power to do whatever He wants with us but because He loves us so much he still shows us grace and mercy. We need to give God the glory He deserves...I know that I for sure do.
ReplyDeleteToday I continued my studies with Romans 4. In this chapter, Paul continues his former speech. He starts out by bringing up Abraham. See, Paul needs to explain to the Romans that we cannot gain anything by works alone. Everything that we do for Christ must be based on our faith in Him. As an example, Paul brings up Abraham. He says that Abraham was credited because of his faith, not because of his works. He continues to say that we, too, can be given righteousness. But it has to come by faith, not by doing things. That doesn't mean that we can only have faith, and not do anything (see James). As his next example, he brings out David. David had committed adultery, killed a man, and lied about it. And yet he says that God still blessed him and forgave him, and he is blessed because he is forgiven. And this forgiveness came from faith. Paul continues with circumcision. Again? Yes, again. Paul continually brings up circumcision because back then, if you were circumcised, that meant you were a Jew and you followed God. And if you weren't circumcised, you weren't a Jew, and you weren't a good person. Anyways, Paul says that it doesn't matter if you're circumcised or uncircumcised; anyone can be saved. Even the sick, filthy, uncircumcised people back then could be saved by God through faith alone. So here, Paul has given three good examples: someone who had amazing faith and obedience, someone who sinned and asked for forgiveness, and someone who was a complete reject in those days. Paul is basically saying that God is open to everyone. And for us, that means that we can't reject anyone either. Paul again brings up Abraham because he was such a prominent figure back then. He says that Abraham wasn't circumcised when he had done those things and been credited righteousness. It says that Abraham didn't do those things because the Law told him to, but because he had faith. He then says that faith is open to all. Basically, here's the summary: Salvation does not come by works. Anyone is open to salvation. Salvation comes by faith. If you have faith, you will be blessed. Well you may be wondering, "Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" For the same reason Paul didn't just say that. I think most people miss the point here. I don't know about you, but when I hear I need to have faith, I think, "Faith: I believe in God and He sent his Son to die on the cross. Check." as if faith meant simply believing. But the reason Paul (and I) is making this so long is because faith is one of the most important, if not the most important, things you need to have! Without faith, you would go nowhere. Faith can move an entire mountain. Even the smallest amount of faith can. But what does that mean? Where's the application? It's like the "trust fall" thing. There are several similarities here: first, we need to make sure someone is there to catch us. Someone that won't drop us: God. And He promises to if we ask Him to. Second, we need to fight against gravity, or Satan. Satan is constantly trying to pull us down, because when we fall, we hit hard, and we don't want to trust anyone for a while. Third, and most importantly: we have to fall. There's no point in doing this whole "Christian" thing if you're not going to fall into God's arms. That means letting go of everything and letting God take control. Letting God carry us through. Letting God protect us from gravity. It doesn't matter if you don't trust because someone else let you fall, or you're happy with where you are now, or you're independent and can stand on your own. If you're not willing to fall into God's arms, you might as well walk away.
ReplyDeleteTonight i read Ephesians 6 and the book Philippians. In Ephesians the thing that stood out to me was the battle that we have not only physically but also spiritually, and that we need to put on the armor of God. In Philippians what stood out to me was that even when Paul was in jail he thanked God because it advanced the kingdom. And also in chapter 2:24-26, this scripture talks about shining like stars in the heavens in a crooked and depraved generation. Mrs. Anette had given this verse to us at retreat and it was just a reminder of what happened at retreat. And one more thing for all that read this post can you please pray for kyle Chattin as he fights for our country. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'm done. Tonight I read in Matthew.
I read the book of Nahum for the first time, the writing is a bit morbid but it really helps bring across its points. It tells of the destruction of Nineveh, an extension to the book of Jonah if you may. In Jonah, the sinful people of Nineveh repented and saved themselves from the wrath of God. But years later they became even worse than before, forgetting how God had forgiven them and slipping back into their evil ways. Their sin resulted in their utter destruction.
ReplyDeleteI fear that I have become like Nineveh in a way. I have repented for my sinful deeds then fallen back into them, more than once. Now I completely commit to do all that God has commanded of me.
reading in Matthew 18. The disciples asked Jesus why they couldn't perform healing and Jesus scolded them telling them because they have little faith. It made me realize how many times i ask God "why...?" but never wait for the response. It's because i need to have more faith in every situation and instead of asking God "why..?" at the end of everyday i want to be able to say "thank you" -Lauren
ReplyDeleteTonight I read in the book of Matthew I read about the beatitudes and how to shine like christ!!! How to show gods love to others!!!
ReplyDelete- Bianca
be a star!!! Shine bright!!!
Tonight i read in proverbs when it talks about even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me. That was just a reinsurance of comfort that God has for us he believe in him.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was at uthe tonigt, and during worship i have my hands lifted and its as if I see a bible scripture and it was Luke 8:9-15, in this passage it talks about "whoever has ears to hear, let them hear", this totally refured to me I do have ears and I here but i need to start listening to the right voices around me and I need to start listening to the voice of truth and not be afraid of what might happen I need to be more open with God and i love him with all my heart. Another part of this passage was "though seeing, they may not see; though hearing they may not understand", this also refured to my life, like the bible says the seed is the word of God and those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so they may not believe and be saved. This was like a serious passage for me ms. angie i totally need more focused on God i need to see and i need to hear because if i dont here or see it will be very hard for me as a christian. And once again praise God !!
ReplyDeleteI read Luke 11-12, which expanded my knowledge on how we should pray, how we should treat a neighbor, and not to worry about earthly things.
ReplyDeleteTonight I read Matthew 3-4 and what really caught me was one of the lines Jesus said to Satan when he was trying to tempt him in the desert. Jesus had fasted for forty days and forty nights and Satan said if he really were the Son of God that he would turn the stones into bread. Jesus said man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. It just really made me realize that God is our lives. God is what we truly need to keep living. Without God all we are doing is leading ourselves into a eternity with pain and suffering. With God we are leading our lives into eternity in peace and joy and love. I also took notice of the verse where Jesus saw Simon Peter and his brother Andrew and told them that if they followed him they would become fishers of men. As followers of Christ are jobs are to go out and share the Gospel to other people and show them how much God truly cares for them and loves them.
Tonight I continued reading in Matthew.
ReplyDeleteDone. Read Romans 6 tonight. Its says that we are no longer slaves to sin, but have become slaves to righteousness. Because we are one with Christ and we have died with Him, we are also tied to His resurrection. We belong to Jesus and we are now free and have been given the gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23). We can now ask Jesus to help us with our pains and struggles because He has overcome the world and all its problems. As Arden said, we have somebody we can trust to rely on to catch us when we fall.
ReplyDeleteSo tonight I didn't continue reading in Romans. I prayed. And talked with some of my classmates. Tonight, at Bible study, the guys and the girls split up. The guys went up stairs. I was sitting there, trying to pay attention to Mr. Moore, when I realized, the majority of people weren't even paying attention. They were either talking or making some obnoxious noise. And then I thought, "How much do you have to not care about God to not only ignore his teachings, but also to try to disrupt it?" Not to say as if I haven't done so. I'm as guilty as the rest of us. But then it just kept going from there: "How much do you have to hate someone for them to want to kill themselves? How ignorant do we have to be to not see the pain in the world? Or are we just too lazy or not afraid to do anything about it? How much do we have to hate God to not do what He says?" Of course, it just kept going from there. So I asked some people. I asked why we don't give ourselves completely to God. The most common response I found was that there was usually something keeping them back from God, a lot of the time something that "God did". I've also had people asking me why they can't hear God's voice. And the answer is: I don't know. To both questions. The only answer I can give is to go to God, but that's a problem because going to God is the problem. After praying and thinking about it, I finally came across an answer: we have taken God out of Christianity. "What? That's crazy! That could never happen!" Well it has. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but to me it seems like all of us are just doing all of the things like Christians need to do. But we're not doing it for God. We're not going to God, we're not letting Him direct us, He's not even in our religion anymore. All we seem to be able to do is blame Him for problems that he doesn't fix. But I honestly believe we could figure this out. I believe God has called me and you to find the answer, but I can't really help you if no one even wants to know. So, we are going to solve this. We are going to find out how to become real Christians. But first, I need an answer from every one of you: Why do we hate God? The reason I say this is because the Bible says that if we love God we will obey his commands, so the opposite must be true: if we don't obey God then we don't love Him. So I need an answer from you: Why do we hate God? Why don't we follow his commands?
ReplyDeleteOnce again I am encouraged and uplifted by all of your posts! Thank you for your faithfulness!
ReplyDeleteIn answer to Arden's question: Why do we hate God?... Well, I personally hate God because when i am in pain and crying out for Him it feels as if he doesn't answer as if he has sorta abandoned me... Anyways , that's just me personally.
ReplyDeleteI read in John Ch. 4.
Done. Read in the book of Psalms
ReplyDeleteDone. Read in Proverbs and learned a bunch of stuff.
ReplyDeleteTonight I read in Romans.
ReplyDeleteTonight i read romans 3-4
ReplyDeleteI continued with Romans 5 tonight. Yet again, this chapter is a sequel to the last. The last book told about how we need to have faith, and why it was so important. This book continues its importance. It says that if we have faith, then that will lead us to peace. We have peace because we know that no matter what happens, we have been justified by our faith and will be rewarded. That is, if you have real faith. After that, it says that we rejoice in our sufferings, because we have peace, which comes from faith. The peace causes us to look at our sufferings as if they were nothing, because we know that in the end we will be saved. It continues with saying that sufferings lead to perseverance, because we learn from our sufferings and our faith becomes stronger. Perseverance leads to character, and character leads to hope. And I think hope is what we all need; or at least, what we all want. Hope is what gets us up in the morning, keeps us going through the day, and doesn't let us down. If we all had hope, then we'd be good. But we, well at least I, think that we need to have hope first. Then, once the hope comes, we can do all of the other stuff. But the Bible clearly states: first we must have faith, then peace, then joy, then perseverance, then character, and then hope. We've been doing it backwards. We need to go through all of the other stuff first, then we will have the hope. And hope will keep us going when it gets tough. Hope is what will complete our faith. The rest of the chapter continues with talking about how Christ saved us. It says that Adam brought sin into this world, and Christ is able to save us from it. He is the only one who can save us from it. Anyways, I think the main point here is that we need to work towards that hope. Because hope is what will keep us going towards Christ. In response to my question, I thank Taryn for answering it. But I need more than one person. So again, I ask you, Why do you hate God? Why don't you obey his commands?
ReplyDeletedone... read in psalms... having a tonna problems spiritualy-wise... been praying a lot. Psalms 4:1-- Answer me when I call to you,
ReplyDeleteO my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
may not make much sense all by itself, but it meant so much when i opened up to it today. its pretty much the summary of what im going through. i am so thankful for this time to spend with God
Ok so I haven't done my devotions yet but I know I have to answer arden's question. The reason I hate God is because when I am in pain and in that state of mind I start to say to myself that if God cared he would take the pain away. I know it's not true but it seems that is one of the excusses I give to myself.