Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Read John 18:33-38.
In this passage Pilate and Jesus are interacting concerning who Jesus claimed to be. Pilate is struggling with the answer to that question. In 18:37, Jesus says that anyone who “is of the truth hears my voice.”

Discussion Questions
1. What do you think it means to be “of the truth?”

2. If you examined our society, would you say that our country is “of the truth” or not?
Pilate responds to Jesus by asking, “What is truth?”

3. What is truth?
4. Is truth something that is different for different people or is it the same for everyone?
5. How do you decide what is true in your life?

Monday, October 25, 2010


Welcome to Monday;)
I have enjoyed reading your post, thanks for taking the time to post. I have personally been reading in Job and Acts. I am struck by the fortitude of both Paul and Job, and pray that I may have a relationship with Christ which reflects His strength to the world. Have a great week! Draw closer to the Lord and remember to share it with us. You are loved!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hello Everyone;) Yes!! We are at the weekend! Thank you for your post, some are very thought provoking. If you didn't get a chance to read them, I recommend you do. I truly appreciate the thought and searching going on in them. Arden's were particularly challenging this week. This weekend take a moment to ponder this question from Arden:

" We are going to find out how to become real Christians. But first, I need an answer from every one of you: Why do we hate God? The reason I say this is because the Bible says that if we love God we will obey his commands, so the opposite must be true: if we don't obey God then we don't love Him. So I need an answer from you: Why do we hate God? Why don't we follow his commands?" (Arden Moseley)

I want to insure we are honoring God with this blog so I prefer the statement I choose not to obey God because.... Your answers will help me in directing our discussions in chapel.

I believe Arden's point is valid and incredibly challenging to each of us. You are each loved by God!!! Shine like stars of the universe for Him this weekend.

Mrs. Angie

Monday, October 18, 2010

New Week, let's recommit to our spiritual training in truth! May God speak clearly to you this week as we renew ourselves in His presence! See you each night 10-10:30 or earlier if necessary.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Weekend

Welcome to the weekend!
I understand the weekend brings a different schedule. Let me challenge you to remain faithful to finding a half hour to focus on truth and prayer. However, if you need to check in at an alternate time for the weekend that is fine. Just make it your goal to complete your half hour each day. Once Monday begins we will begin 10 pm to 10:30 pm again. If you go to bed earlier than 10pm, good for you, go ahead and check in earlier. I am hearing great reports about the truth God is sharing with you and it is so exciting!
"Meanwhile, the saints stand passionately patient, keeping God's commands, staying faithful to Jesus." Rev. 14:12

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Post here that you have taken our newest challenge to read your word and pray every night. You can post something God has shared with you, encourage others, or simply say you read your word tonight. I am praying for each of you that God would prepare you well for the battle.