Monday, October 25, 2010


Welcome to Monday;)
I have enjoyed reading your post, thanks for taking the time to post. I have personally been reading in Job and Acts. I am struck by the fortitude of both Paul and Job, and pray that I may have a relationship with Christ which reflects His strength to the world. Have a great week! Draw closer to the Lord and remember to share it with us. You are loved!


  1. Done :d READ from genesis today!

  2. Done. Tonight I read in Proverbs.

  3. Tonight I continued in Romans 7. Paul continues to talk about sin, the law, and righteousness. Considering how much he talks about it, I would consider it very important. Anyways, Paul is talking again about how we need to die to sin and become alive in Christ. As an illustration, he uses marriage. Everyone starts out married to sin. There's no escaping it. Everyone is married to sin. But Christ has provided a way out. We are able to divorce sin, if we chose to. And once we divorce sin, then we become married to Christ. But we also need to remember adultery. Paul says that adultery is even worse, because not only are we married to one, we are cheating with the other. That's even worse. God would rather have us be one or the other. After this, he continues about the Law. He is trying to explain to the Romans how the Law itself does not condemn us or save us; it simply shows us our sins. It's like a little lens, that, when put on, lets you see what was hidden before. It allows us to "see" our sin. Once we see our sin, Christ has provided a way for us to be free from sin. But Paul says that he is evil. He says that he constantly struggles to destroy his evil nature, but he can't. Not without Jesus. So what's the application? The application is, we need Jesus to free us from sin. We need him to be forever free from sin and forgive from our past sins. Without him, we will do bad. And God would either have us "married" to sin, or "married" to Jesus. We need to make that decision now before we go any further.

  4. I liked the story about steven he was stoned but why do those preast want to kill them they beilieve in Christ so why do they kill the beilivers of christ and even though steven new he would be killed but he stood for Christ because he is strong.

  5. i have been doing my daily devotions about 1 Thessalonians

  6. tonight i read in Matthew. in Matthew 4 it talks about Jesus in the desert. Satan was tempting him. but Jesus stayed strong even when it was hard. i like this verse because it helps in the hard times, because Jesus went through the same thing as we go through. he went through it as a man not as God. do you realize that Jesus only had about thirty years to make a mark on this earth. well, obviously he made a HUGE one, but he did it as a man. thirty years is not long at all, and he didn't want to die. we have to spend our time wisely. we can't just say oh i'll do it tomorrow or next week. we cant keep pushing it back or else its never going to get done. our lives aren't that long and we don't have tomorrow promised. it's not helping anybody when you are being a lazy couch potato!
    - Marielle(:

  7. When i was doing my devotions tonight i read (this is on Mrs.mcCutcheon's website) "My God, My God why have you abandon me? why did Christ scream those words? you'll never have to! When i was reading i thought of the columbine girl and i was tinking of how she died. This is what i asked my self. Would i say yes if there was a gun put to my head? and automatically i thought yes i would but as i was prosesing that and thinking about it i said i dont know would i? i think some times we trick our self's into thinking that just because we "believe in God" that we are going to do every thing for him! and we say i will die for Christ but dieing is a very FEARED thing and we will never know that we will until that day comes if we had the choice to live or to die. but the courage and faith that girl had was amazing and only God amazing only God can give you that kind of courage and faith. i am sure she was scared and had no idea she was going to die that way but God is with you all the way and will never leave your side!

  8. Today I read Philippians 1, it talks about " how faithful you are to Christ and how much do you really love him because some of us say that we are Christians but we really are not inside our hearts and you know that is something we need to think about you know some of us judge other people and what they do but we do the same thing and God has really been helping me in that.
