Thursday, October 14, 2010


Post here that you have taken our newest challenge to read your word and pray every night. You can post something God has shared with you, encourage others, or simply say you read your word tonight. I am praying for each of you that God would prepare you well for the battle.


  1. Luke is checking in.

    Mrs. A - Phaedra here. Luke told me about the challenge and we request that he be allowed to spend his time earlier as he is usually asleep before 10:00. Does the time period really matter? Otherwise he will not be fully functioning when he gets to school. Thanks, Phaedra

  2. I'm not monitoring email right now, but you can call me. 893-2149

  3. Im excited for this! and im done with tonights...matthew 13

  4. Dimitry
    tonight I read in psalms that God is the rock of our salvation and to not go after and avenge those who sinned against you but let God take care of it he will judge them fairly and richeously.

  5. I am just checking in :)(I had to start erlier because we have to wake up extra early tomorow)
    Tonight I was reading 2 Samuel Chp 7, it talked about how God had told Nathan, the prophet, to tell David that he expected more from him, becuase he had done so much, and that he needed a proper place to stay... Then it went to Davids prayer in answer to the Lord. I really liked this chaper :) AND THANKS SO MUCH FOR THIS CHALLENGE! I <3 U!!!!!!

  6. when i was praying i felt as if someone told me trust in the Lord and he will make your paths straight and you will shine. Praise God he has made my night peaceful.

  7. I finished my first day challenge and tonight I read in 1 Thesalonies chapter 4 and it talked about the ways of life and things we need to live up to or things we need to not do I went through the things and I answered alot of yes and it sorta of surprised me!
    - Morgan

  8. Tonight I read about Job. Job is a inspiration to me even through all of his troubles, both physical and spiritual, he did not get mad at God one time nor did he curse God in any way.

  9. Tonight I read Job 1-2 and Isiah 1-6. When I was reading Job God was really showing me that or love for Him shouldn't be based on whatever He gives us or how easy He might make our lives but that we desire to have a close and personal relationship with us. Like Job God should be able to take everything away from us and we should still praise His name and acknowledge Him as God almighty. When I was reading Isiah it was really just showing me how we can be so disobedient to God sometimes and that we really need to keep ourselves in check and make sure what we are doing lines up with His word and that we are always seeking Him. Thats what I got from this nights prayer.

  10. Tonight I felt I should kick it off with the begging of a process. I had been talking with a friend from camp and she was talking about how we need not to forget the things we learned and meditated on at camp. So I thought back to the forgiveness sermon he preached, he had said if you don't completely forgive those who have hurt you you can never grow as a Christian... So this is my journey of forgiveness. I decided to type in forgiveness to, and as always when I seek God he meets me with an incredible message:Matthew 6:15 and Psalm 130:4... Matthew 6:15 was used in Church by Pastor about a montha ago and goes over the importance of forgivenss and it's wagers. But, Psalm 103:4 really got me, it says but with you there is forgiveness therefore you are feared... i'm never really sure what the Bible means so I prayed about it and God spoke to me and asked why haven't I REALLY forgiven those who have wronged me.. And I meditated on this passage and it hit me... There is alot of fear in forgiveness... For one it is change something I natrually dont like, Two I have one less excuse because when you forgive you are suppose to forgive wholly so you can't blame your actions on what has been done wrong to you, but the one that really hit me was once you forgive and allow that person back into your life (in most cases) you allow your self to be in a very vunerable situation again... And my prayer for tonight that everyone struggling with this including myself has the humility to step down and trust and forgive and pray it wont happen again, Amen.
    Kayla '12

  11. So tonight I started my readings in Romans. Romans chapter 1. This book was written because a church had formed in Rome. It was a new, strong church, and Paul needed to instruct them on some things. In the beginning Paul talks about how he wants to meet this new church. In verse 17, at the end, he says "the righteous will live by faith." Immediately after, it says "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men..." I don't think this was a coincidence. I believe Paul structured his letter as if to say you need to be righteous, and if you aren't, then you're going to lead your life to destruction. As I was reading, I realized the similarity. After our retreat, and many other events, we are a "new church". And "Paul" is encouraging us, but also warning us what will happen if we don't stick to it, bad things will happen (read chapter 1, it's bad). And yet we do fall away. So that leaves me wondering, why do we always return to our normal lives? To our destruction? (That wasn't rhetorical)

  12. Earlier tonight my friend posted on facebook that he was feeling sad and lonely so I gave him a verse that I found and it was isaiah 41:10.
    So for my time I prayed for some other things and I prayed for my friend that he would follow after God and leave his troubles to God.

  13. alrighty so i started at psalms 145:18-19... "the Lord is near to all who call on all who call on him in truth. he fulfills the desires of those who fear him: he hears their cry and saves them... but before all of this i was prayin and askin God why everything thats happenin n my life and why its happening to me and why right now (when everything was going so good)... i kept askin him to speak to me and this is what i kept repeating "this is all happening for a reason"...God speaks to you when you ask for it when you seek him with all your heart and open your ears only to him and not the world! :) it was an awsome time..

  14. ok so that was yuliya thats just my email qtkotik1

  15. tonight i read the parable of the two sons. The point of the story is that those who do what God says and love Him, no matter where they come from, are the people who are going to be with Him in heaven. I am excited for this challenge :)

  16. sorry i posted a day late i thought it went through i guess not. :(


  17. done, I am still reading from Job

  18. Ello :) sorry i haven't been posting :( i have been reading though. reading in Matthew :)

    DONE! :D

  19. sorry couldn't blog last night, done

  20. Done :) Today i read in Proverbs :) my favorite book in the Bible

  21. Okay so i am done. I read Matthew 17:1-27.
    But it wasn't quite 10:30 yet, so i went back to read what others had posted. I read a few and nothing really popped out. Then i read one of Kayla's, the one on forgiveness (oct. 14). It kinda just beat down on me, because she is absolutely right. When you forgive someone and (maybe) bring them back into your life, you put yourself in a very vulnerable spot, where you can be hurt again and most of the time hurt even worse. I think because i have been there before and just kept getting hurt that i don't really completely forgive any more, because i am afraid of the side of emotional and spiritual pain that will most likely come with it.
    Right before Matthew 6:15 where it says "But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Is the Lord's prayer. Where Jesus tells us how to pray and we all(should) know that the last part is "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." God clearly tells us we need to forgive those who wrong us. Yet fear continues to get in the way. Psalm 23:4 "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me..." We need to not let fear keep us from doing what it is God wants us to do. If we have faith in God he will bring us through the pain, and let us stand upon our troubles.

  22. done... read in psalms... having a tonna problems spiritualy-wise... been praying a lot. Psalms 4:1-- Answer me when I call to you,
    O my righteous God.
    Give me relief from my distress;
    be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
    may not make much sense all by itself, but it meant so much when i opened up to it today. its pretty much the summary of what im going through. i am so thankful for this time to spend with God
